A mother is akin to the character and nature of God. Nurturing, providing, protecting, guiding, forgiving, teacher of life lessons, mediator of squabbles, and prayer room warriors all come to mind. The very essence of a mother is from, and who God is within. God made mothers like no other part of creation.
Jesus taught respect goes both ways and always included women and His mother in life lessons. The legacy of Mothers is meant to be revered throughout history. How are we doing with that on earth?
Some of us were blessed with mother’s that really tried to get it right. Others did not get that, but God has a way of sending people and/or animals into their lives of the to be a mother figure, foster mom, grandmother, or friend who embraces their well being no matter the age. Mothers
There are mothers of animals only who take up the reins of mothering with just as much energy, effort, and care. Bless you all. Without the nature of mothering, there would be no rescues.
Thank all of the mothers today for their God-given efforts. Those who love beyond compare and seek good for all. We are one of a kind in Christ Jesus. Shalom
As one whom her or his mother comforts, so I will comfort you. Isaiah 66:13
Just as God comforts you for who you are in Jesus within, embrace the you Holy has created you to be.