Do Not Overthink

The world twirls, nature roars, and the dance of life goes on. We will heal the grief, loss, hardships, and strengthen our unity in Jesus’ name as we join together to help each other. God knows, and Jesus saves. That is the most important thing in life right now.

To try and continue onward in the same old patterns will not work. We must relieve ourselves of what is not important to survival. Maybe the meaning of this great reset is simply a reminder that possessions, careers, things of pleasure, and lots of money do not matter in the long haul.

Our salvation matters. God matters. Knowing that Jesus saves, heals, and strengthens our innermost being to help ourselves and others in crisis matters.

Today is the day to analyze life on earth and seek simplicity. Stress does not help heal a nation. Governments do not save you. Overthinking paralyzes your ability to keep going and creates havoc within your soul.

Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10

Pray for your soul and the salvation of others. Reach out to Jesus for your sustaining power and let the rest go. Your soul is more important to God than your wealth of stuff, busyness, or tiredness. Your soul will heal you by the Holy Spirit within. Take the time to nurture that and not your stuff.

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