They arrived in the city late at night worn out, yet excited to have made it safely to Bethlehem. As they made their way through the city gates they must have talked of seeing Joseph’s family for he had not been there for years. I’m sure they wondered how the census would occur, where they needed to go, etc. It seems Mary would be anxious to get settled and comfortable for she knew her time to give birth was near. I’m certain they looked for the closest inn to rest and refresh.
No Room For You!
How can someone turn away a woman about to give birth? Yet, don’t we do the same these days when we choose to turn a blind eye to a homeless person on Christmas eve because we need to get to the family dinner or church cantata? Or, for that matter, passing by the addict, the sick, the poor, and the unclean on the way to the latest Christmas sales at the mall? Perhaps if the innkeeper had gotten the information that God would be arriving that night accommodations might have been arranged. But, the innkeeper didn’t know any more about the future than we do today. That’s why it’s so important to always be compassionate, helpful, prepared, and kind to All people for none of us knows what our futures hold.
Their Hopes of a soft comfy bed, delicious hot meal, and a warm bath dashed, the weary and disappointed travelers resign themselves to collapse in the hay with the animals. Another night out in the elements. Disappointment is probably the least of their emotions as they make their way to the stable, or wherever they ended up for the night.
Sudden changes, sickness, and even death can happen on Christmas Eve as easily as it does any other day of the year. My dad died on Christmas Eve many years ago. It was a very sad and disappointing Christmas that year, but it taught me not to take life, people, and the presence of loved ones for granted. It was a hard lesson to learn, but it served to teach me that disappointment and grief is overcome by making room for Holy to clear the path and lead the way to a giving heart, a faithful service to others in some capacity, and to always be thankful. Don’t let life’s sudden changes get the best of you this Christmas. Make the best of each moment this Christmas and don’t give disappointment a place in your heart.
We must always make room for Holy in our hearts no matter what the circumstances. It is the only source of Peace, Comfort, Love, and Hope that is Unconditional.
“Look! I have been standing at the door and I am constantly knocking. If anyone hears me calling and opens the door, I will come in…” Revelation 3:20