Disappointing Arrival

The faraway city lights of Bethlehem are now in sight of the tired travelers. To Mary and Joseph this spoke of rest, hope, and long-awaited blessings. I am sure they looked forward to eating a hearty meal, bathing off the grime and sweat, and sleeping in a real bed at the inn.

There must have been prayers of relief, thankfulness, and, especially for Mary, the sheer joy of not giving birth in the wilderness. They hurried along into the city. Mary waited outside the inn for Joseph to secure accommodations for them. Unfortunately, they were met with disappointment as there were no rooms left in the city.

In their practiced faithfulness, they must have asked God, what now? I am sure they felt their hopes dashed after such a long, hard trip. Yet, they settled in with the animals in the cave/ stable because they trusted God. Mary would give birth in the wilderness with the animals after all.

Life never turns out like we expect it. But God promises to protect and provide with the resources needed to get us through whatever difficulties, words like rocks thrown, or hardships we will endure on earth.

As you travel through life, let your light shine in-spite of your hardships, injustices, unfairness, and disappointments. God provides.

The light shines in the darkness and the darkness can never extinguish it. John 1:4-5

The light of the world is coming! Make room in your heart for Jesus.