Diligent Workers

Honey Bees = Hard workers with a Purpose at Every Stage of their Short Life!
“Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish the work of our hands upon us; yes, establish the work of our hands.” Psalm 90:17

What if we only had about 45 days to live from the time we are born? That’s less than 2 months to grow up, get educated, work, meet life goals and expectations, complete our purpose on earth, and Worship! And, that’s an ideal scenario when we take into consideration the alarming rate bees are dying from pesticide poisoning, dwindling resources for pollination, destruction of hives, and fly swatters. Just surviving human’s selfish behaviors is a major undertaking few seem to care about. Yet, without these hardworking bees there would be no honey, the diversity in pollination lowers, and humans basically die. What is up with the attitude that humans are superior and not accountable for destroying a vital part of creation.

Wait, isn’t that what we as a nation are experiencing right now with all of the disregard for life and laws, destruction of other people’s property, disrespect of all who don’t share their opinions and cause? But, this is really not a cause is it? This is demonic inspired warfare in the form of selfish humans. Do these people not work? If not, who is paying for these domestic terrorist’s travel expenses, hotel rooms, meals, war garb, ammo, rent and utilities back in their own cities, etc. as they go from place to place destroying, killing, wreaking havoc, stealing, looting, bullying, and threatening their neighbors. If they knew they only had 45 days to live would they really waste it doing this? Why not invest in education, become a lawyer or politician and be a positive voice for changing laws of inequality and injustice. That would be a lot harder, although many are successful at accomplishing those things in their life time. Think about it. God is heartbroken at what humanity has become, specifically in this country, AND He is furious.

It is time we humans took on the mindset of honey bees and engage in meaningful work that has a life sustaining God given purpose. It’s time we All have a positive impact on our environment, neighborhoods, families… It takes Commitment! It takes Diligent Work! To win the war against this spiritual warfare we must also engage in His Word of Truth, Pray, immolate Jesus’ life on earth, and work together as a human race for the common good.

REMEMBER YOUR LIFE might not even have another 45 days. It MAY VERY WELL END TODAY! Get To Work!