Attributes: a quality regarded as an inherent part of someone or something; a type of label of applied to someone who is kind, funny, smart, loving, mean, angry, Dependable, etc.
The dependable sources available in today’s world are few and far between. Seems like everyone has an agenda, an underlying reason for friendship, or an attitude of “what can you do for me” that drives their consistency within relationships. It becomes tiresome work to stay ahead of the situation. As well, many self help programs, exercise or meditation classes, and even attending weekly church services leave us coming away feeling as if something is still lacking within our Spirit. The uncertainty we live in right now drives fear like no other time in this country. It is important to find a dependable source to go to to stay grounded in the Truth of matters, find solace and reliability, and know without a shadow of a doubt that you have a source to feed your Spirit in positive manners. There is one you can depend upon = God. How can you know? If you look at the many attributes of God you realize the qualities that describe the characteristics of His divine nature are everything you’ve been looking for and aspiring to become all along.
God reveals these very attributes to us each day in our lives. Whether it’s through answered prayers, knowing within how to react to a situation, feeling the need to help someone who can’t help themselves, those feelings of intense love for your child, seeing a situation with renewed eyes, or a beckoning heart to accept Jesus as your Savior, finally, you can be certain of His dependability. God’s Spirit is right there with you in your Spirit every step of your life to teach you His way. Seek God Today! Make His Attributes Your Attributes. Pass it on by being a dependable source for someone Today!