
Every day we have choices to make and crossroads to bear. Are you simply just trying to blindly get through each day or are you aware, ready, prepared, and embracing it with your sword of truth and wisdom in Jesus name?

Doing the right thing, living a daily walk with God, making choices based on your faith, seeking Holy ways in every encounter requires faithful effort and diligence. It’s a process.

Think about Stephen for example. When his message was challenged by religious people his faith in God did not waiver. When they hired those willing to lie in court about him, Stephen did not change his message of Jesus Christ as Savior to save himself.  At the crossroad, Stephen stayed the course with God. He was protected by God in court and even in his eventual death, he was protected and saved to his Heavenly Father.  His choice in life was clear and his level of faith in the unseen took preparation, time, and a deep abiding willingness to keep going according to the Holy within and not on his own. Acts 6

Are you invested in God’s way or the world’s way?

When you are faced with a crossroad today, which way will you choose? One way leads to the cross of life. The other way is just a road. Now is the time to prepare, go deep with God and proceed onward in the joy between yourself and your Heavenly Father. Stay on the path of holy wonder. Holy will send you signs.