The creation of the earth within the universe is intertwined with human creation. Humans were given the authority of care for this earth and all its inhabitants. We should be living peacefully and simply in harmonious utopia. Instead, greed, envy, wealth, chaos, rushing around over working, and self-importance have ruled since the beginning. It breaks God’s heart.
God in heaven is intertwined with us on all levels of existence. If humans could get over the power plays, political games of greed, and dishonest gain, perhaps the self-destruction would stop. However, as long as satan pulls the strings of the kings desires, the very humanness of sin rears its ugly head generation after generation.
It is time for the waking up of the world to return to the Father and put aside selfishness to care for our well-being, each other, the forests, the animals, the ocean, the mountains, the ice caps, and live harmoniously intertwined with God of this glorious creation.
We are here, not just to survive, but to live out what we believe in, largely. Faith, Hope, Serving, and Love are born out of each of our own personal connectedness with Jesus. Seek that today. Then, build on it every day.
And God blessed them. And God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.” Genesis 1:28