Created by God

God did not just create the universe, humans, animals, oceans, mountains, and more to see what would happen. God does not abandon, even when we fail miserably. That is a human trait of selfishness that occurs without the true meaning of God from the heart.

God is a God of order, purpose, a protector, reason, fairness, promise keeper, teacher, and protector. Within His creation, God provided the plants to eat and heal, tree resins and fruit to sustain as well as medically treat various conditions, clear safe waters, beauty beyond compare, and so much more. Creation was not random.

God did not randomly create you either. Your life is for a purpose, always within Holy timing.

God can be trusted. It is us humans who have a problem with trust. When we are blindsided by issues of others that affect our family, trusting even God in our darkest hours becomes hard.

Yet, God keeps coming after us anyway until we fully trust again. Let God rescue you today. Give your life to the one who gave His for you, Jesus.

Don’t give up on God or give in to living in fear and abandonment. Trust in God’s timing and the order of Holy process.