There are many times in our lives that deep down we innately know that something should be done, changed, said, or worked through, yet fear, uncertainty, or turning a blind eye stifles our courageous steps forward toward good. Most of the time it’s because we’re trying to do it all on our own without the help of the Divine wisdom that firmly plants guidance and direction within our spirit. It all really boils down to being committed to doing, saying, acting, and living in such a way that we are committed to doing whatever the right thing is to do. It takes guts to stand firm in your beliefs when under fire from all sides. It takes bravery to speak up for what is right knowing you might lose the relationship, the job, the power. It takes faithful tenacity to stay on the good path and not dabble in evil ways. It takes patient endurance to do the right thing when it’s so much easier to just abandon the innocent. It takes wisdom to win the war against evil. Ask for it. Pray for it. Pray for Afghanistan. Pray for America. Pray for yourself and others. Pray for your family.
“Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong.” 1 Corinthians 16:13