Compassionate Spirit

Credit: John Bunyan
“A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.” Proverbs 11:25

There are “takers” and there are “givers” in this world. Takers will suck the very life right out of you, kick you when you’re down, then start on another person, family, career, etc. with an attitude of selfish designs and an inconsiderate spirit. Givers will work tirelessly until they have no more to give collapsing in a heap of exhaustion with an attitude of giving all they’ve got. But, leaning too much one way or the other is not healthy for you nor for the ones around you. A Balance of the 2 (union; yet uniquely different) is the Key to success. Example: In the horse world a good balance in the reins of giving (softening the contact) and taking (rein contact to balance or re-balance) makes for a harmonious relationship between horse and rider creating a teamwork effort resulting in a happy horse and happy rider. Being sensitive to the needs of the horse (giving) yet providing the discipline of balance (taking) allows for a win – win situation. Balance of the 2 (integrity; witnesses to verify facts) is the Key to success in all relationships.

If we were all perfect it would be very easy to master this balance of give (Compassionate Consideration; not making yourself sick) and take (Self care; not Selfish in all things). But, truth be told we are not perfect. God accepts that and knows some find it easier to be more compassionate than others; your effort to become a genuinely more compassionate human being does not go unnoticed. The real balance comes when we step out in faith to help a person or animal who can never repay our kindness or monetary help. Doing a good deed, rescuing a helpless animal, buying a meal for an addict or homeless person you know will never be able to pay you back is the kind of Compassionate Spirit God desires for each of us to develop for it will draw us closer to Him, His character, and His nature. Daily we are called to strive towards compassionate servanthood even if it means giving our last $20.00 to someone in need, taking time out of our busy day to help a sick or hurt animal, or forego a horse ride to lend a listening ear to a friend even though we don’t have time to spare. Being generous with our time, money, and talents could mean the difference between life and death for another person, animal, or relationship.

How’s your Compassion Today? Seek your opportunity to help someone or an animal Today knowing you will never be repaid.