Christ-mas Reveal

A clean camera lens makes it possible for a better picture. Yet, when we strive for perfection chaos seems to grow and we don’t get the true picture of life. We cannot have the perfect without the mess. If we ignore the mess ugly grows and festers for our focus is skewed into unrealistic expectations. Life has proven, century after century, it is never going to be perfect. When we get up enough courage to look deeply into the mess of this imperfect life we find Holy.

God’s gift to humanity was born out in the elements and laid on a cold, hard surface with the animals amid the prickly straw. It was not perfect nor pristine. Yet, for a reason, God revealed Himself in the hardest and simplest of terms.

The God babe, Jesus, lived despite the mess. If the focus had been the place and situation, the magnitude of the birth of this Savior would have been missed. This gift of love would have been lost in the fight, discussions, and pointed fingers at such indignance and inhumane treatment.

Holy still reveals Himself to each of us within our mess. Look for Divine. Ask for Holy to reveal the greatest Christmas gift to you and live forever in your heart.

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16