Artwork Credit: does not own any rights to this music video nor artwork
Forest: the church (not a building) of the knowledge of Truth and Good
Sanctum: a Sacred Place
The forest is the place where life thrives uninhibited and connects us with Mother Earth, the Great Holy Spirit, and Awareness of Truths teaching us about life’s survival amid chaos, fear, and unknowns. Retreat to the silent place where Jesus speaks. Take a walk with Divine and listen to the forest speak. You will find Divine when you slow your pace and seek spiritual wisdom. You will be renewed, calmed, and at peace.
Take notice of how God protected David, which is first mentioned in 1 Samuel 22:5, when God instructed a prophet to tell David he needed to flee the wrath of Saul. David withdrew to the forest in the mountains. While he Physically hid there, David writes in the Psalms of him hiding in the forest of God’s Promises, Word, Truth, and Directions. He followed God’s advice and guidance as to what to do and went where he would be protected for a time.
David didn’t waste time complaining that he wasn’t able to do what he wanted, of his confinement in a mountain forest, nor of his plight at the moment. Instead, David spent time thanking God for his protection, provisions, and appreciated the beauty of his seclusion. He awaited his next move, but looked for the lesson in the forest, for God to speak, and learned to survive. It wouldn’t be his only need to flee or be confined. Nor will these current times on earth be the only inconvenience for us humans. Instead of asking “when will this be over” try asking ” what can I learn from this,” what do you need me to know, Holy One,” and “how can I use this time for the greater glory of the kingdom”. Retreat to the forest of God’s trees, animals, thickets, hope, truths, promises, and learn wisely. Otherwise, don’t be surprised if you get caught up in the earthly ways that consume and trick us into thinking we can control it all.
“Let the fields be joyful and and everything in them; let all the trees of the forest sing.” Psalm 96:12
Forest Sanctum by Swiss Composer and Musician, Adrian Von Zeigler… You can also support me and my music directly on Patreon if you wish:
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