
The Courage of Determination

The incredible life of my ancestors speaks of courage and a determined spirit of hope.  As a noble Lord, he and his family lost their home, land, and many family members in war.  They fled by ship that would take them and many others from Scotland to freedom in America. They docked in Virginia and …

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Live Free

Live free of the evil plots, destructive behavior, harassing spirits, and cruelty of humanity by staying close to God. Is it easier to do than joining the world in its depravity? No, however, the freedom from all of that is promised by God as we live out our faith towards eternal life. It is in …

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Brave and Courageous

As believers, we are assured freedom from a lifetime of suffering, abuse, pain, fear, or other things no one knows about. That freedom comes with a cost to Jesus. He willingly died to save us. The cost we pay is remaining steadfastly faithful to God’s ways, holiness in our daily living, the Word, in prayers, …

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Freedom of Life Eternal

Carry the freedom of eternal life every day Nurture your God-given gifts; use them, give them Care for the good of the kingdom in Jesus name Just before Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey He knew the people wanted a political king to swoop in and take over. He rode on anyway.  His mission …

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Always Remember

The holiday weekend is over. The fireworks that upset my animals till the wee hours are over. Family fun at the lake, BBQ, trail riding, or pool are over. Back to the grind we go. What is not over? The blessing of the freedom that allows all of those things we love. Always remember them. …

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There is always a giving up of one thing to attain another. Freedom at great cost is humbling. Those who gave their life for our freedom should give pause to all of us in thanksgiving, prayer, genuine care, and respect for their commitment. Their sacrifice meant losing a son or daughter to a parent, grandparent, …

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Respect the Sacrifice

Respect the sacrifice.  The giving of a life for a life. Seek wisdom in the displays of a greater love than self. To fully understand the depths of sacrificing for others, start with Jesus. It is where love, dying to self,  giving everything for providing, protecting, and saving something and someone for freedom’s sake is …

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