I was buying groceries the other day bone tired and weary, so it was something I really didn’t want to be doing. It was very crowded. I even had to stand in line for milk. Crazy right? As I stood there waiting with these (including me) masked strangers I became saddened at the thought that no one makes eye contact anymore. There are no opportunities to smile at anyone to brighten their day, strike up a friendly conversation, or to judge someone’s demeaner for we can’t tell whose smiling and whose mad. While our eyes can tell a story all their own, it’s impossible to read them when everyone stands around facing forward like still lifeless robots not wanting to get coughed or sneezed on, bring attention to themselves, or risk getting in the middle of an altercation unknowingly. I thought to myself, ” this is really a sad, lonely way to live”. I got my milk and trudged onward amongst the robots ruminating over the fact that so many are dealing with depression as bills pile up, relapse / addictions occur as jobs and homes are lost, and fears rise as uncertainties mount.
All alone just doesn’t resonate in my Spirit. I think of the time after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks when people pulled together to do the impossible during a crisis to save this great nation, churches were filled with new Christians or returning Prodigals, and strangers gathered to help each other. Now, it seems people just want to destroy, dictate, and be left to do as they please no matter who it hurts, or just be left alone in their own little worlds. Why are the people not coming together now, too?  Is the prospect of dying from a virus with 99% recovery rate (except for those with underlying conditions, which could also mean early death) so daunting it feels like there’s nothing to be done? Do we really think if we stay at home, not make eye contact or conversation, or turn a blind eye to the destruction of property and killing of children will make it not seem real? Does it really make sense that this mess will go away on its own? Many Government leaders have abandoned cities and people to destruction, so that hasn’t encouraged people come together for greater good. Perhaps people are so afraid of people they are willing to become robots if everyone will “just leave me alone”?
God does not mean for us to do anything in life alone, and more importantly during this time of crisis. Whether it’s at home or in public we are beckoned to reach out and help each other. He lives within each of us and begs for His people to come together, united as one, and stand ready in His name to save the last Godly nation on earth. This is no longer a time we should be fending for ourselves for that has not worked has it? United we Stand; Divided we Fall.
Alone, we will Fail. Together in the Name of the Holy One, we Prevail. Which is it for you today? A smile that reaches your eyes for someone in need behind your mask might be the only thing that gets them through the day = Try it, if you can get anyone to make eye contact. Your kind eyes will tell their story. Pray with the Father Like Never Before!