God knows your name. He whispers to you in the recesses of your heart planting seeds of encouragement, warnings, guidance, and love. Do you listen for Holy?
The coming of the Christ child had people talking, kings worried, and nations gearing up to take over political interests as favored ones. Alas, this is not what God had in mind at all. Life never is that straight forward.
Humans are still trying to figure it all out. The people were expecting Jesus to be totally different. Yet, He came to earth with God’s purpose to show us how to live out our lives in serving others and not as a powerful, dominant king in fine robes adorned with jewels. Simplicity comes to mind.
Like a newborn lamb Jesus arrived at the mercy of others in humble conditions. He then went on to serve and save the unlovable, the helpless, hopeless, sick, and down trodden. He did not come to join the corrupt religious leaders. They became incensed so instead of trying to learn they conspired to trick, kill, and discredit Him.
Ultimately, His crown was of thorns after spending His lifetime moving from city to city to shepherd and teach and away from those who wanted to harm. Born humbly, Jesus continued to live humbly and by the prayers to His Father in Heaven who told Mary and Joseph what name to give Him.
But now, thus says the Lord, who created you, O Jacob, and He who formed you, O Israel: ‘Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name; you are Mine.’ Isaiah 43:1
You are called by name by God the Father. Celebrate that this Christ-mas. Shaloam