By Choice

Life is about choices. Do I have the chocolate ice cream or the full-on Hot Fudge Sunday? Do I pay tent this week or buy groceries? Do I pray about it or give them a piece of my angered mind? Our daily life choices reflect where our heart lies, what it seeks, and how we respond to everyone and everything.

Our choices are the determining factor of whether we are growing in Holy Wisdom or repeating the same unhealthy cycles and patterns. Are you growing, or are you stagnant?

God is about choices. Always has been. Always will be. Nothing is by chance.

My prayer for you today is for you to stop living blindly. Choose God. It matters for today, and it matters for your tomorrow. May you grow in God’s grace and wisdom.

If any of you lacks wisdom, ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given James 1:5