We are all broken Vessels in some way or another. The variations from person to person are vast. Broken homes, childhood trauma, unfair treatment, addictions, mental illness, corruption, war trauma, chronic disease are only a few to mention that create stress fractures, fissures, cracks, and broken pieces in the far reaches of our souls within our human vessel. This brokenness within each of us then spills over into the family vessel, the society vessel, and then the nation vessel.
While we all handle brokenness differently there’s really only two outcomes that can occur:
- By allowing the cracks in our vessel to grow larger by fostering bitterness, hatred, anger, greed, selfishness, and perpetuating dishonorable behaviors we suddenly find ourselves shattered in a heap of broken pieces on the ground wondering how we ended up like that.
- By allowing God to heal those cracks with His Words of Truth, love, fairness, forgiveness, helping others, striving to do the right and honorable thing, and sometimes from His refining fire, we find the cracks are sealed one by one with His power, strength, endurance, and patience, and we awaken to inhabit a fortified vessel that is stronger than before realizing we could never have accomplished it on our own.
The cracks of the vessel known as this nation are widening at an alarming rate. We have a small window of opportunity to heal those growing chasms in Jesus name. Pray without ceasing for healing, unity, peace, and renewed sense of worship. It is time we stand United to heal ourselves and this land, and not continue onward in the same old isolated, destructive, and broken patterns.
2 Timothy 2:21, ESV: “Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from what is dishonorable, he will be a vessel for honorable use, set apart as holy, useful to the master of the house, ready for every good work.”