Blessing Focused

Problems seem to be mounting against us from all sides. It is easy to be consumed by them. They take up so much of our time, rendering us exhausted without much sparkle in our eyes nor Holy light by the end of the day.

Where is your focus? The problems or the blessings?

Jesus was able to get past each problem He faced wisely, directly, and calmly. He just kept moving forward. He didn’t look back and over analyze His life. His mission was clear; teach, serve, heal, save, help, and keep going. Therefore, I think He placed more value on and was blessed by those people He was able to help along the way.  Rather than facing problems like a martyr, He chose blessings.

Today, be blessing focused instead of problem focused. Reach out and help someone. Your spark and light are instilled within you because of blessings. Problems will come, go, and change. Jesus stays the same forever. Be blessed and be a blessing.

The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace. Numbers 6:24-26

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