
Photo / Quote Credit: Silver Lining of Your Cloud
“Put away the person you used to be. Have nothing to do with your old sinful (selfish) life. It was sinful because of being fooled into following bad desires. Let your minds and hearts be made new.” Ephesians 4:22,23 (NLV)

We are all “working” towards Becoming something in this life whether it’s building a successful career, striving to be the best horseperson, sacrificing personal dreams for the kids, President of the U.S.A., Olympic gymnast, retire to the forest… Whatever it is you aspire to accomplish – Does your hard work to “Become” align with your Spirit?

The things I know now would have come in real handy in my younger, rebellious years. What time I wasted chasing after dreams of the earth instead of listening to my Spirit beckon me to a fuller, richer, understanding of life. Yet, that’s part of the journey of Becoming! We make mistakes, we make choices we have to live with, we change directions, and in the midst of it all we must deal with pain, heartbreak, debt, losing our parents, marriages disintegrating, sicknesses, and the list goes on. We are not who we used to be. But, having lived that part of the journey, we now Know, we Become wiser, and we can fully embrace being alive in the Spirit moment of Now, Today.

The Divine Spirit within has something to teach us each and every new day if we pause our ambitious chasing of worldly endeavors to just Listen, Pray, Ask. When we make the effort to align with the Holy Spirit within, our journey begins to make sense. Life then becomes less about what’s going on in the journey and more about Becoming one with our Spirit of who we really are destined to Become..

Each day the sun rises we are given the Opportunity to Dance with the Spirit within the Journey that is our life. Who Are You Becoming?