Be still means to let go and let God do what he knows how to orchestrate better than we do. It is a struggle sometimes to relinquish control to someone who you cannot see in the physical world. Yet, when we plant His seeds we grow strong roots in faith and trust.
It is then we understand the true depth of Jesus love. It is then we can give grace, forgiveness, mercy, and love completely.
God fights for us every day. We just need to go on in life in daily prayer staying close to Him so we can hear him when He says go, wait, not the time, or now, go for it.
The Lord your God who goes before you will himself fight for you, just as he did for you in Egypt before your eyes… Deuteronomy 1:30
He is the One who calms our fears as we relinquish control. Try it. You won’t go back to the old way.