My struggle looks, feels, and is very different than your struggles. As well, my struggles are not more important than your struggles, and vice versa. Yet, in a world that is hyper focused on self it’s easy to get caught up in the “me, mine, and my unfair treatment “. Divine asks us to respond differently than the world. It begins with kind actions, kind words, and kind attitude from a kindhearted effort. Don’t get caught up in the superficial world of living only for self. It becomes fantasy living and only leads to unhappiness, hate, and and anger. Rather, embrace an understanding demeanor so that kindness has a chance to bloom.
The Opposite of kindness is malice, cruelty, animosity, inconsiderate. These are not healthy character attributes. Choose to Be kind to yourself and, then, be kind to all who cross your path today. Kindness is an act of love. Love yourself as Christ loves you. Love others as Christ loves All.
“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.” John 13;34