Be Happy

Strive for joy in all situations. Seek laughter. Give hope to others. Rely on the promises of God. Don’t give up or give in to the ploys and mind games of the enemy at any time. These lend the strength to be happy every moment you have in your life on earth.

This moment is all you are guaranteed. Make the most of it. Find the blessing; give a blessing.

Make it a great moment!

We are here for only a moment, visitors and strangers in the land as our ancestors were before us. Our days on earth are like a passing shadow, gone so soon without a trace. (Excerpt) 1 Chronicles 29:15

In the moment of this scripture, David was offering a Prayer of Praise to God. In James, he spoke of our lives on earth as a mist or vapor.

Throughout history, one moment can mean the difference between war or peace, love or hate, praise, or selfishness. Think about your moments. Make each one Holy.