Photo Credit Donna Pool
Recently I was blessed with various flocks of blackbirds, crows, and ravens in my backyard. Most see blackbirds as bad omens and annoying as they are loud, territorial, bluster about, and sometimes act obnoxious. Yet, they really are beautiful defenders of their space, their nests, their food, etc. Most will peck the seeds from the ground, but on the day of this photo, this male red-winged blackbird hung out on my deck, frolicked in the birdbath, and sampled all the seeds while hanging off the feeders. He generally was having fun and overseeing everything going on. I watched him and he watched me. That is when he wasn’t eyeing the ground flocks.
I appreciated his beauty, playfulness, and, of course, his songs. I was reminded by Holy that day that just because something or someone is perceived to be bad, evil, or not like the rest of us that we are not to make judgements, talk disdainful about, nor be quick to cast out the situation or person(s). We are to quietly and curiously watch, wait, see, and allow God to show us every truth in all matters and all people. Divine will reveal the absolute truth in everything if we just be still and open our minds and hearts. Listening is the key. God will provide. Be patient.
The ravens brought him bread and meat in the morning and bread and meat in the evening, and he drank from the brook. 1 Kings 17:6