
Sometimes life overwhelms us so much that we gravitate back to old thoughts, old habits, or old ways because it is easier than fighting to move forward in faith. But is it really easier to join the crowd?

While I had one of those days yesterday, Jesus has shown me mercy. And, No, it is not easier to just move with the worldly flow of bitter anger. It weakens the soul, destroys peace, and gives Satan the “in” needed to damage your very spirit. This world is full enough of those wildly unhappy people. I will not be one of them.

In His mercy, grace, and forgiveness, Jesus thoughtfully sent scripture from a friend and from God’s Word to help repair my tattered edges. The message to rise high above it all is an ongoing theme of life for all. New day. New challenges. New choices. Choose wisely.

Throwing his cloak aside (the blind man) jumped up to his feet and came to Jesus. “What do you want me to do for you?” asked Jesus. The blind man said, “I want to see.” “Go” said Jesus, “Your Faith has healed you.” Immediately, he received his sight and followed Jesus. Mark 10

This scripture not only addresses Jesus’ miracles and healing powers but also the true meaning of being born again. It is immediate. It is an awakening to live with the ways of God and guard against sliding into the ways of the world. Awakening, seeing anew, being born again is the only way to navigate the mess we live in some days. It is here that the real work begins to remain true to your choice to follow Jesus and Not the ways of the world.  Are you ready?

Awaken your soul anew in Jesus and follow Him along this road called life right where you are.

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