The perception that any of us human beings can be so perfect that we haven’t, don’t plan on, or won’t ever make mistakes is unrealistic. Well, that is except for Jesus. Yes, that Jesus. The one who died for all of our mistakes = all forgiven. Even when we slip up and make the same mistakes we must remind ourselves to re-write life once again, ask for forgiveness, and start again. We are forgiven, but we also must change so that we don’t continually make the same mistakes over and over. History always tends to repeat itself, but with effort and one attitude adjustment at a time, we can overcome perpetuating the same mistakes thus creating a better quality of life not only for ourselves, but in the world as well.
We are Not called to be Perfect. We Are called to be mindful of how we live our lives, to have no fear, and to stand up for what we believe. It’s never just about us individually. Everything we say and do affects everyone else we live with and come in contact with throughout each day, including friends, co-workers, recovery groups, and children. It’s Never Too Late to Erase Your Mistakes In The Name Of Jesus. Share your Story to someone who desperately needs saving from the shame of their mistakes, today. You just might be their saving grace in Jesus name.