
Esther, an ordinary woman who answered the call from God for an extraordinary mission to save His people. Her faith, coupled with the gifts of wisdom and discernment, gave way to God’s placement and timing in history, allowing for His purpose to come to fruition.  Esther 4:14

Lydia, a successful businesswoman as a seller of luxury purple cloth who was the first Gentile converted to Christianity through Paul. God’s timing placed Lydia and Paul in this place for this purpose. She opened her heart and her home. She joined Paul in co-founding the first church in Phillippi, further spreading the Gospel.  Acts 16:13,14,15

Deborah, a Judge, a leader who answered God’s call to lead the army and worship during terrible times when no one else would step up. She was a warrior and found joy in boldly worshipping, singing, and praising God. She was sensitive to God’s need of someone willing to speak His Word to His people amid difficult times. God placed her to rally His people when they thought it all was too hard and lost hope. Judges 5:1-31

Elizabeth, a wife to Zechariah who, in her older years, became with child just as God promised. Her faithfulness never waned even though being childless for so long garnered her disgrace within her culture. God was specific in who Elizabeth would bear naming him, John.  Jesus’ second cousin, John the Baptist, would be the voice in the wilderness calling for repentance, baptism, strong faith, and in preparation for the coming Messiah. God’s orchestration and timing are always impeccable. Luke 1 & Matthew 3

Rehab, a prostitute living in Jericho who risked her safety to hide and protect God’s spies. She was loyal. She is a reminder that God still uses ordinary sinners to do extraordinary kingdom work. Rehab is also in Jesus’ ancestral lineage. She married Salmon in the Tribe of Judah and became the mother of Boaz and was King David’s great-great grandmother.  Joshua 2

These are only a few of the Elder women who have gone before us whom God anointed for holy purpose.

(Your Name), you are anointed for such a time as this. Seek where God needs you for this place and time in history in the name of Jesus. Follow through. God is with you.

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