When we are patiently waiting for God to move, if our attitudes are not aligned with Jesus, it will be impossible not to become irritated.
While waiting for anything in life for some is easier than others, this fast-paced, whirlwind world we live in tests everyone’s patience. We must seek to slow our minds and calm our souls in the midst of the chaos and train our spirit to listen for the whispers of God within.
We must become like a warrior, fine-tuned for battle, with a defined focus on the task at hand. Our prayers must precede actions and words to allow us to sustain patience into waiting. Spiritual warfare is real, and many succumb to satans tricky lies that distract and drown out the voice of Jesus.
When God asks us to patiently wait, we must become like Jesus. He would pause, draw in the sand, or reveal truth through a parable of a few words that caused one to ponder. We must always stop and ponder, ask for clarity, and assume an attitude of patience in order to endure the hardship of waiting on God. Holy always comes through, gives the go ahead, or heals the restlessness in His timing, not ours.
You can trust God with your life. You can depend on His promises. Jesus will help you have His patient endurance in the wait.
Are you waiting on God to move within your life? Pray for the gift of developing an attitude of the patient endurance of Jesus and be amazed how peace comes in your waiting. His grace is amazing.
Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him; do not fret. Psalm 37:7
Your patient endurance builds a resilient faith. Keep going in Jesus name.