All Inclusive Hearts

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And even some people dressed in the fashionable clothes seated in the church building are only there for something to do with a social club mentality. As believers in God the Father, Jesus the Person, Holy Spirit within we must realize that this type of thinking is not what He’s seeking for humanity. It’s certainly not what Jesus represented while here on earth. Step away from being just in the bubble of a feel good building and recognize God includes all people; even the ones you may not agree with or like, the ones too ashamed and afraid of being turned away at the door, the ones who don’t even know what to pray, but know they need help. Us = You, Me, All People. He knows our hearts no matter if we worship in a building or alone on a mountain. At this time in the history of the world let’s not forget who Jesus died for = All Who Believe. Come to the Father with an open Heart ready to be filled with Good. Jesus has seen it all for His very life teaches us to seek to heal the broken, care for the downtrodden, sit down with the unsavory of society and converse in the name of love.

A people united means All people not just a select group of those who put on the mask of perfection. Even unbelievers can do that well. However, Believers united can change the world just by the power of Prayer and following God’s greatest desires of His heart when we align our hearts with His. God is not looking for those who have the rituals down to a tee. He is looking for Open Hearts to Stand United in Jesus Name for the Greater Good of All.

You are included! All Hearts are included in Heaven. Remember, there are no perfect humans. We All make seemingly unforgiveable mistakes, relapse, wrong decisions, cry ourselves to sleep, or are ashamed of our past at some point in our lives. Take Heart – In Jesus Name We Are Included. Tell Someone That Today Who Needs To Hear It!