Photo Credit: Donna Pool
I strode with purpose across the field toward my horse who was lazily munching grass in the trees. The heat had pushed the herd to graze by the creek. At first, I frowned at the thought of walking all the way to the creek but as I made my way through the tall grass I marveled at the fleeting butterfly. A smile touched my face as I thought to myself “it would be really cool to find a turkey feather today”. As a collector of fallen feathers, I’m always on the lookout for a unique one. I walked on, calling for my horse to meet me halfway. My horse ignored my call and I heard in my Spirit my horse say to me that I was crazy and it was too hot to ride. I laughed as I walked on. Just beyond the oak tree I saw it. A bronze beauty lingering in the grass. I got so excited! I picked up the treasure and admired the glimmering colors in the sunlight and exclaimed, “a turkey feather”. As I looked to the heavens I smiled and thought, “that was from you God, thank you” and I walked on holding the priceless blessing in my hand. Maneuvering around some particularly thick grass my eye caught another prize. I snapped it up with a giggle and walked on. I found another and then another. Four Turkey feathers all in different parts of the field just waiting on me to find them. I was like a kid full of glee and wonder and thankfulness.
Not just one, but four blessings. God reminded me that His blessings are abundant. I asked for one, but found four. Had I stayed focused on the first one I would have missed the other three. His blessings are abundant and in His timing.
My four bronze blessings are in a vase in my kitchen to remind me that Divine does bless us abundantly. Sometimes we get so caught up in the throes of life we miss them. Sometimes, when we release our hearts to the wind and surrender to the present moment, even the smallest blessings become clear. Take time to notice the beauty of life amid the dirty. Seek to appreciate the good intertwined with the difficulties. Slow down, take notice what’s going on around you, and find your blessings today.
“And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.” 2 Corinthians 9:8