A Wild Holy Night

Artist Credit Walter Rane
Donna Pool – His Way does not own any rights to this artwork

Do you ever wonder how much time they had to get prepared for the birth once they arrived? I love this artistic depiction of Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus in the hay. It seems so much more true to life. There’s a sense of urgency, disarray, and tender love all thrown together with the prickly hay, animal smells, sweat, and extreme fatigue. It is real life. Life is messy, stinky, and gets really wild sometimes, but there in the midst of it all is Holy.

I can tell you when I gave birth I was thankful for a bed with clean sheets, warming blankets, ice chips, cold washcloths, and a hospital staff who smiled at me through my screams and rants. Mary is one tough role model who rolled with her assignment from God with amazing tenacity. You would think she would’ve received an easy and comfortable way considering she was going to give birth to the God Almighty of the universe. But I think it was for a reason. None of us are promised an easy way, an easy life, or a life without difficulties because the earthly world is ruled by darkness. Jesus’ humble birth, Mary’s graceful determination, Joseph’s caring support all teach us the way to deal with life’s hardships. Amid the bleakness of our circumstances remember this moment in time: The beauty of Jesus’ birth is not found in the circumstances, but rather that Peace and Hope and Wonder came alive on earth and we have access to it even today.

Life is not about money, power, social status, race, self importance, or the most gifts under the tree. Living is about bearing whatever life throws at you and riding out the wild storm with Holy at the helm. It is then we can find Peace and Be Merry!

“For unto us a child is born……”