Ok, I am putting a deep, hidden part of myself out here today because God has asked me to for all people need to hear this message: As I was falling asleep one night this past week, I had a vision. The whole wall I was facing was covered with dark shapes of people moving and swaying with their hands lifted as if each was dancing with rhythms of a beautiful ballet. It seemed worshipful. There was no distinction in faces, color, gender, or garments; just shadowed shapes of humans dancing. I was mesmerized by the beauty of this multitude splashed across my wall in the dark. As I watched this beckoning of arms waving, graceful movements, and seemingly synchronized “angels” I suddenly thought, “Wait, where is their Light? Why are they not Bright and White and Light? Where are You God?” I then saw a bare twinkle of light that shown in the midst of the dark dancing figures. I focused on the twinkle of Light and God said “Have No Fear; I Am Here”. I realized the beautiful “angels” I was seeing was not of God (Light), but of Satan’s angels of darkness. I immediately sat up and rebuked the enemy and his angels of darkness in Jesus name. “Jesus said, “Away from me, Satan! …” Matthew 4: 10 (NIV) They dispersed slowly like a crowd leaving a public venue; stopping and socializing, some waiting around, some looking back at me. I stood my ground in Jesus name and they all disappeared. It was at this moment God began to teach me about this vision as I sat there gasping for air at the scariness of what just happened.
- The enemy can make something dark seem beautiful and fool you into thinking it’s good, encouraging you to turn a blind eye to, tolerate that which seems harmless, and ok to become involved in.
- You must always be willing to slow down, stop, think, assess, and look really hard to discern the enemies lies for what they are and to find the Truth. To find Me (God) search for the Light.
- I (God) am always there in the midst to be found for my angel armies fight for you and humanity in the spiritual realm all day and all night long.
- Pay attention to what you are hearing and seeing. If you look for me My Light Will Shine in the Darkness to Expose the Lies.
My heart cries out at the injustices of this world, for the millions of children sacrificed to the human trafficking trade and sold body parts, for the lost prodigals who haven’t found their way home or to You, Jesus, for lies, deception, dishonorable actions, words, and behaviors. Forgive Us O Lord!
Are Satan’s angels of lies infiltrating your life Today? Rebuke them in the name of Jesus. Do you Need Forgiveness Today? Ponder that thought, Cry Out To Jesus, then look for His Light of Truth!