A Phenomenal Event

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Social media has been buzzing with excitement about this event occurring Today just after sunset. This universal event so close to Christmas has set humans in an excited expectation of a Divine sign. Many say it is not the Star of Bethlehem; yet many say it is exactly what could’ve happened the night of Jesus’ birth that led the wise to the stable. Let us not forget Divine, in the Creation of the Universe, can orchestrate anything at any given time, and sends signs to us daily not just at Christmas. So no matter how this phenomenal event actually occurs it’s the why and what we are to see and learn and marvel upon that is the real gift. What does it mean? Why now in 2020? How beautiful and awe inspiring will it be? When will I realize the deeper meaning?

These days, or rather this whole year, have been trying times for the whole world. We are tired of masks, staying cooped up, not hugging, and not meeting together. Humanity is searching for answers beyond why there is no toilet paper on the shelves.

Instead of getting in a debate about the scientific evidence, which is valid, we must be willing to look closer to find the message, the sign, the Divine occurring this very year that our lives have been changed so drastically. Maybe this sign of the universe, at this point in time and space, is just the way to find the missing pieces of life. Ponder it. Meditate on the value of this occurrence happening today and what it means for you personally and as well as the world.

In our own journey to Christmas Eve, this year set aside time to remember the greatest gift to humanity. Wherever we are in the world let’s join hearts in thankful prayer for a God who cares enough to send this weary world another tangible sign of wonder by way of the universe just when we need it most. Let it Shine deep within our hearts sending new wonderous life into the world.

“And those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the sky above; and those who turn many to good and right, like the stars for ever and ever.” Daniel 12:3