A Hug and a Prayer

Sunflowers face each other at night and if close enough their petals will touch. In the morning they turn back towards the light. As new sunflowers grow they unfurl their petals one at a time as if they had been hugging. Hugs and kisses in the Bible speak of love, unity, and care.

What a great reminder to turn back towards the light of Christ every morning so that your day is complete before you get started. It is like getting a hug within your very soul. Hugs regulate our nervous system and give us a sense of Christ’s love for self and others.

Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared.This day is holy to our Lord.Do not grieve, for the joy of the LORD is your strength. Nehemiah 8:10

Hugs look like serving others, feeling the presence of God, and will strengthen you within. A hug and a prayer is a powerful duo. Use them today.