Isn’t it so easy to point out these character flaws in others, yet we seem aghast when someone mentions ours. I dare say many of these on this small list of 9 vie for my attention. Rather than doing work on myself for myself its just easier to pass blame onto someone else.
The competition seems more plausible when another human is involved. It is a lot harder and more time consuming to address my own issues by bringing them to the surface than it is to stuff down my own shortcomings, blame others, and move on in ignorance.
What causes quarrels and what causes fights among you? Is it not this, that your passions are at war within you? JAMES 4:1
At the end of the day, all we are left with is ourselves staring back from the mirror. Do we like what we see? Has our day been flawlessly perfect? Have we lived an honest day without trying to blame everyone else for our own problems?
The world is competive enough. It begs for humans to one up each other, get ahead no matter how, and . Let’s get off that treadmill. It’s time to take stock of just what we compete with within ourselves and make a plan to resolve it, heal, move on, and take full responsibility of our shortcomings. Holy stands ready to help. Seek Holy Guidance.
I saw that all toil and all skill in work come from one’s envy of their neighbors. This is vanity and a striving after the wind. Ecclesiasties 4:4