A Beautiful Year

Credit: Audrey Hepburn & Trying God’s Patience Resolute: firm determination, purposeful, unswerving

Decorations have gone back into the attic, holiday sweaters have been returned to the mall for a different size, style, or color, and resolutions for the year have been formulated. What are you resolute about this new year? Does it include searching for deeper meaning in your life rather than just more exercise, quitting smoking, or eating healthier? What would deeper meaning really even look like?

  • Don’t pack Jesus away in the attic along with the Christmas decorations. Keep Him in the front and center of your Heart everyday, all year long for you are Never Alone – He is within
  • Live what you love and makes you vibrant, happy, at peace: it may be knitting, riding horses, reading, or hiking, but whatever it is sprinkle it all throughout your life. Look for opportunities to be a light to shine brightly in someone else’s life along your path
  • Be determined to find the Good, to be Kind, seek Truth, and Speak up for the worn, the weary, the helpless. Life is hard. Be Resolute to make a difference for humankind, the greater good of mother earth, and to the glory of God

A Beautiful Year begins with a Beautiful you within.

“The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7