
It was just after 9 am. I was bringing in groceries from the car. The TV was on and as I passed through to the kitchen I became frozen in place as the news station began frantically reporting the terrorist attack. I began calling the boarding school where my son lived as I realized (from the news) a suspected terrorist cell related to this event was near the school. The school, as well as businesses, homes, stores, and roads were on lockdown within many miles. We lived 9 hours away. The lines were jammed. I did not panic, yet. I knew many students at the school had parents that worked in the twin towers and figured that was the reason. Hours went by. I was panicked by then. Finally, a call from the school came and explained they were getting phone numbers of the nearest relative within driving distance to the school for pick up for each student. The school further assured all students were safe, no one was allowed to speak on the phone, airlines were closed, and special circumstances would allow them to get each student out of the school to their respective pick up car. I felt ice cold with no control. The nearest relative had only seen him as a infant and my son didn’t know him at all, but he was only 4 hours away. It was all set up. I heard from my son that night that he was safely with the grandfather he had never known. I took a deep breath and thanked God for this good news in my small world of chaos, on the most chaotic day in the lives of all Americans.

This is when the Lord reminded me “you’re going to have to let go of the controls and trust me with this”. It was not the first time God had said that to me, but I was too busy trying to control everything to hear. Holy just kept calmly reminding me.

My frantic panic for my family, my country, this world finally began to abate when I gave up trying to control it all. It was a huge lesson that has impacted me greatly even to this day. I will never forget.

What is your story on 9-11-2001? Were Divine words trying to reach you, too?

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. Proverbs 3:5