I was so excited to scrape out a small window of time to ride my horse the other day. I mapped out my training plan for the ride in my mind on the drive to the barn from trotting ground poles to cantering patterns. I finally swung my leg over the saddle, started walking down the grassy aisle closed my eyes and said, “Thank you God for this moment”. I smiled, breathed in the fresh air, and just listened as we walked on to warm up our muscles. I sighed in content; then, so did my horse. Our thoughts became one as if I could feel her Spirit. It is the same with Holy.
If we are too busy trying to control the ride, we don’t hear the feelings of the horse in our fingers, in our emotions, in our heart and mind. If we are too busy to make time for Divine, we miss the opportunities to hear Holy speak to our heart. The greatest moments of clarity are found in unexpected feelings of openness, silence, and freedom from the reins of day to day noise. Look for those moments every day and just Listen for the Holy Spirit to speak to your heart and soul.
“Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.” Jeremiah 33:3