In Harmony; Yet Different

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Animals get it right every time. Humans tend to over think, over analyze, over do, over expect, over criticize, and over load! Our brain power could, many times, be better utilized by choosing to coexist in harmonious relationships by being more accepting of our differences rather than trying to one up each other, use connections as power plays, or maintain a position of authority through unkindness or lies. Clearly these dividing strategies have been in the human repertoire of daily living since the beginning of time. It makes sense that Holy decided it was time to send His presence to us in the form of a soft, bundle of newness as a baby, and animals, of course.

A start over for humanity began at that moment, and continues each time one finds his/her way to the gift of Jesus. Even to this very day, that same Holy Spirit will burst into your heart resetting your life in a kinder direction. Life will still be difficult, but your heart will be softer, kinder, more forgiving and more open to understanding each other’s differences.

This is the season to remember the Divine gift given freely for all of humanity. Believe in the magic of Christ-mas that sets you on a path to Divine harmony. Get off the Merry go round of judgmental differences, bigger is better, or “it’s all about me”, and accept this Divine harmony of freedom today. It will make your Christmas Merrier! Let your Reindeer Games begin with the Divine Wonder.

“The wolf shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the young goat and the calf and the lion together; and a little child shall lead them.” Isaiah 11:6 (ESV)