Pure Heart
Do everything with a pure heart and good intentions. It begins with a holy attitude. It is then you will see others and situations with the eyes of God and not self. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. Matthew 5:8
Do everything with a pure heart and good intentions. It begins with a holy attitude. It is then you will see others and situations with the eyes of God and not self. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. Matthew 5:8
There becomes a sense of contentment when we finally reach the place in our relationship with Jesus that we truly believe in the power of the working of the Holy Spirit in our lives. When we relinquish control we go about our daily lives in faith rather than micromanaging every detail. It is the shedding
Our tears of pain for others, ourselves, situations, and joys are never wasted in God’s eyes. He leads us through the chaff towards the finest wheat. Like one who loves their children deeply, the Lord takes the suffering, the needy, the broken, the empty, the confused, and the sick by the hand to lead us
Pain is Never Wasted Read More »
Fly high in the purposeful presence of God. Whatever you are dealing with today give it to Holy and keep going. Fly high to see what is going on around you and to be able to gain clarity on a Holy level. It will awaken you to God’s way. Those who refuse to to fly
We live in a fast paced world where immediate answers are expected, impulsive buying is prevalent, and waiting is seen as an annoyance. But, that is not the way of God. When God says to wait are you listening? The wait is for a reason. Pray for the patient endurance of Christ in the wait
Praise serves not only to worship, but also diffuses the enemy’s ability to take hold leading us the wrong way. Without praise intertwined in our daily lives we are vulnerable to the ways of the world and not the ways of Jesus. Today, turn up the praise music in your car, dance in praise to
Garment of Praise Read More »
God, I pray that you Heal, help, give miracles, and strengthen your warriors in Jesus name for this day is all yours. On this 25th day of the 25th year may we give and receive grace upon good grace. Thread us together in your loving arms. The LORD bless you and keep you; The LORD
The mystery of grace surrounds moment by moment. A strength you didn’t know you had springs forth when you need it. A softened heart against hateful attitudes when it would have been easier to just rage, rant, and bluster, too. God uses His most opportune time to change us within towards healing and heaven when
There are times we must simply surrender to God people, thoughts, circumstances, fears, healings, and decisions in order to understand deeper meanings of spiritual things. Some things are only understood and possible when we let go of whatever it is and get out of God’s way. It is the path to faithfully trusting Holy more.
The Lord blesses in many ways even when we are unaware. God gives us a heart of courage when we need most, encouragement through His Word and friends, and a life line of prayer to sort out our day. Be willing to spend time to seeking His Holy presence and notice with thanksgiving the gifts