September 2024

Strong Within

The world has a way of tearing us apart day by day. Stressed people, raging drivers, death of loved ones, illness, trauma, and unwanted  circumstances take its toll turning hearts hard, cold, and distressed. It does not have to be that way. The strongest people are those who are able to scrub the world from …

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Let God

It is hard to let go and let God. In this world, we taught to make it on our own. Yet, We can not do that and follow God closely. Mary learned that lesson when Jesus stayed in the temple teaching while they began the travel home. After a day, she and Joseph realized Jesus …

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Our purpose in life on earth can be buried under the rubble of societies expectations, cultural constraints, career climbing, and busyness while accumulating wealth and possessions. This is not success in life, for all of these can be gone tomorrow on the whim of the economy, government interference, or unexpected hardships. Success in life begins …

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The Promise of Strength

Life is a balancing act of focus. If we focus on the pain, we miss the blessing of comfort that only Jesus can give. There are always two sides in life. Which do you choose? When life gets difficult, God will always give us the strength to get through it if we focus on finding …

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Jar of Life

Each day, we have certain responsibilities, tasks, and duties to fulfill. We must ask ourselves if we go about those daily routines with the teachings of Jesus at the forefront. In essence, we are the jars of clay molded in the image of God. Don’t let your jar of life on earth become so full …

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It is time for the world to embrace kindness again. What comes to  mind when you think about what kindness means? Unconditional love, compassion for others, selfless actions for those in need….. Kindness is a language without words. A simple smile. A hug of reassurance. A prayer for healing. A squeeze of a hand of …

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Today, as I reflect on the terror tragedy in America on 9-11-2001, my thoughts wander with wondering if all of those who lost their lives that day were saved to heaven in Jesus’ name. Were they believers in the mercy, forgiveness, unconditional love, and saving grace of Jesus? That is the lesson we must embrace …

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The whispers of God can only be heard when our minds are quiet. Our minds can only be quiet when we remove ourselves from the over stimulation we are bombarded with every day. When the enemy can keep us stressed, exhausted, constantly in noisy environments, addicted to our phones, and overwhelmed with overwork, God within …

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The whispers of God can only be heard when our minds are quiet. Our minds can only be quiet when we remove ourselves from the over stimulation we are bombarded with every day. When the enemy can keep us stressed, exhausted, constantly in noisy environments, addicted to our phones, and overwhelmed with overwork, God within …

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What are you planting in life, your family, and spreading out into the world? People, not just children, become engaged in listening to your words by watching your actions. They become interested in your seeds of wisdom when approached with care, concern, love, and fairness. When we live a life that reflects God first, then …

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