June 2024

Meeting With God

The threshing floor is the place of reckoning. It separates the goodness within from the enemy’s pursuits. This shifting is hard work. Yet, the goodness of God prevails over the enemy every time if we allow it, let go, and let God lift the burdens. Life on earth is a constant shifting and sifting, especially …

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Shifting Seasons

Are you in a season of joy and peace, disruption and exhaustion, or confused but soldiering onward? In truth, each season will include all of those things. It is a matter of being able to balance the good amid the bad. Trusting the process of God during the joys is easy. Trusting Holy amid the …

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Heavenly Father

Availability is the number one goal heaven has for earthly father’s. God in heaven is always available through conversation, His Word, and prayer. Jesus lives within by the power of the Holy Spirit so his teachings, warnings, encouragement,  and guidance are with you all the time. Real men allow Jesus to be the head of …

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Wise Soul

In the silence, Holy speaks. It is where wisdom, introspection and clarity awakens in your soul. From the silence you emerge back into your world refreshed with calm insight. In silence, you are alone with yourself to examine and emerge a better person. It is time well spent. You are worth the effort. In panic …

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Life with God

The enemy is a thief looking to destroy anything and anyone trying to walk the path of doing life with God. It gets ugly. The Word warns of the upheaval. Holy Spirit within is the stabilizing force during the onslaught. Doing life with God promises peace within the upheaval. It is the only way to …

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If there is a fire building within let it be of the Holy Spirit and not rage. If the fire is consuming, be consumed with holiness. If the fire burns deep, allow Jesus to mold it and not this world. If the fire pulls you toward the enemies tactics, choose to reach out to God …

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Is there anything standing between you and God? Until you resolve it with God, it will keep you separated from Holy. Trying harder won’t help. You will still feel a distance, a certain disconnect, or a lull with God even though you seek worship, sing praises, and pray diligently. There was a time in my …

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God’s Way

I am always thankful that God’s way prevails over my way.  I would venture to say that I do not realize that in the moment, though. It is when I reflect on how things turned out in every season of my life that I truly see how God’s ways, plans, provisions, and protections are so …

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Sometimes life overwhelms us so much that we gravitate back to old thoughts, old habits, or old ways because it is easier than fighting to move forward in faith. But is it really easier to join the crowd? While I had one of those days yesterday, Jesus has shown me mercy. And, No, it is …

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Are you feeling tossed about in the sea of life? What is really happening? Sometimes, we must purposefully and diligently be separated from things of this world to prepare for what God has next for us. This time is God’s threshing floor. When it is time to move forward, God winnows our lives to separate …

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