June 2024

The Season of Commitment

What does your season of life look like right now? Are you close enough to Jesus to hear His words in your spirit? When you hear Jesus are you ready and willing to obey no matter the cost? Or, do you negotiate so that the pain does not go to deep? Are you willing to …

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Changing Waters

Water can be buoyant and flowing like a peaceful lake glistening in the sun. Water can also be boisterous and powerful like a roaring storm in the middle of the ocean. Life is like that, too. The key is staying gentle and peace filled amid the raging storms. The contrast is palpable. There is nothing …

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Follow Jesus

On the days that pain, trauma, sadness, or fear rears its ugly head, follow Jesus. He knows your suffering. On the days, joy is abundant, and smiles abounds, follow Jesus. He revels in your happiness. Life is all about following Jesus inches good and the bad. He helps you balance. He holds your heart. He …

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We have been given much in our lives. Why do we always want more, something different, or languish in pineing for the greener pastures of others? How do we break that cycle? If we stay in that cycle of looking elsewhere, we miss the opportunities for peace and contentment that God lays right in front …

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Children of God

As children of God. His desire us for is to be fully devoted to living on the earth for Him and with His Ways. Our daily living pursuits tend to get in the way many times. If we don’t make the time to focus and refocus on Jesus many times a day this old stressful …

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Muddy Waters

Life is full of muddy waters. Yet, God can orchestrate beauty from the murky chaos. A lot of preparation goes on in the mud for a lotus to grow before the shoot reaches the surface of the water. The beautiful flower born out of the mud can’t survive in the mud. However, as the shoot …

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Be Refreshed

What refreshes your? A cold drink on a hot day? A prayer walk through the forest trail at dusk? What about a long talk with God or singing praise songs in the car? When we allow God into our lives in such personal ways it we strengthen our inner sanctuary.  A cold drink quenches our …

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Grateful For

Be grateful for one more moment in the present with those you love. Push past grievances away. Do not linger in the past. The mysteries of God show up in your present moments as you are grateful within for His provision. Feel His joy surround you as you strive to do His will. Take a …

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In Jesus Name

How many times a day do you pray to cancel, destroy, remove curses, or slander in Jesus’ name?  The enemy is working overtime to shred our Christian name and credibility. It is never blatant like we imagine it to be.  It’s all in the little details of life. Today is the day for you to …

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Grace Filled Love

Following in the footsteps of Jesus is the only way to experience God’s grace filled love. There is nothing we can do, have done, or say to earn it. Only your belief that Jesus died and rose from death out of grace, mercy, and forgiveness for each of us and then living out your faith …

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