The Character of MLK, Jr
God does not show favoritism… Acts 10:34 Build your dreams and your character based on God’s perception of others; not yours!
God does not show favoritism… Acts 10:34 Build your dreams and your character based on God’s perception of others; not yours!
Where is your Spiritual Retreat? For God alone, O my soul, I wait in silence, for my hope is from Him. Psalm 62:5
If Jesus had put all of His hope and faith in the willingness of people to do the right thing, listen, change, He would have given up His mission for God when He went back to teach in His own hometown among family and friends. They were offended by His wisdom, questioned His authority, belittled …
God will get you through things in life you could never do on your own. Hard things are going to happen whether you trust God or not. However, when you trust God to get you through, you will be equipped with all that you need, including peace of mind and spirit. God can be trusted …
Grit without Grace leads to perfectionism. Life then becomes harder, creating unhappiness while not really understanding how you arrived in such a state. Grace without the Grit to persevere in Jesus’ name is hard to receive and harder to give to those who make life difficult. Gotta have both some days even when your mind …
In the midst of all of the craziness, what do you have to be thankful for in your life right now? Be positive. Make a list. Say a prayer. Thank God you awakened this morning, and ask how you can be of service to Holiness today. The Lord is my strength and my shield; in him, my …
Malice and the bitterness of what happened or could have gone differently only builds into fury and unhappiness if not dispelled. It does not aid the healing process, cure any unresolved issues, nor does it lead you onward to a healthy life. It festers, multiplies, and blinds us to everything, even potentially good in life. …
From the heart grows knowledge, yearning, a sense of understanding. The mind’s logic can contradict the heart’s knowing if filtered only through the eyes of the world. Take care to discern thoughts, make decisions, and choose words and actions wisely through the purity of Holy lenses. Your mind will then see the truth of what …
What does your year ahead look like? How do you envision life unfolding? As you leave 2022, what needs to stay behind in order for life to be better in 2023? If you could change anything for the coming year, what would it be? Does it include a positive outlook? Above all else, consult with …
In the dark all things are unseen, unclear, foreboding, and the enemy uses fear to play mind games to lure, tempt, and destroy. We are not meant to live life this way. In faith Holy things that are unseen can be believed as truth, reliable, and for good outcomes. Faith coupled with grace in the …