One True God
I am thankful for the One True God of my life! Amen
Let us enter this season of thankfulness with a conscious effort to uphold the Word of God, pray for the Wayward ones, and give the blessings of Jesus to all we encounter. Forgiveness is a form of love. Love is a form of thankfulness. Thankfulness is a form of blessing others when you tell them
Season of Thankfulness Read More »
Where is the Lord leading you? Sometimes, that road is easy. Sometimes, it is not. Either way, when you consciously ask God to be the leader of your life, you will experience calm amid the crowded highway and peace in the lively forest. The narrow path of God will be a winding yet straightforward way.
The Thankful Road Read More »
The power of God at work in our lives is an unwavering promise. When we hone that power within instead of second-guessing God by seeking worldly answers, we build an unwavering faith. Like the rocks in the riverbed that are sharpened, smoothed, and perfected by the flow, bends, curves, and obstacles our faith swells within
Today is a good day to spend time with God to grow in wisdom, truth, and faith. Take the time to do it. You will be awakened to deeper enlightenment. Divine will lead you to paths of the unknown and knowledge of thankfulness. Spend time with God today.
As the burnished leaves begin to fly away and blanket the earth with colors of red and gold, we enter a new season of thankfulness. No matter what’s going on in your life, be thankful for the good and give God the bad. In your prosperity, give thanks. In your hard times, thank God that