Promises Fulfilled
Christ-mas is the remembrance of promises made thousands of years ago. The unfathomable promise from the Spirit of God bestowed upon a barren woman, Elizabeth, and a young girl, Mary, strengthens the faith of humanity, even today. It is the promise of hope for a barren world. It is the fulfillment of the promised Holy
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Heart of Christmas
When lights, glitter, and presents claim more of our attention than the One born to save the world our focus becomes skewed by selfish desires. It happens easily and effortlessly. Before we know it our heart becomes hardened and joy is no where in sight. All we end up with is exhaustion for the efforts
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A Merry Heart
What is considered a merry heart? MERRY: Hebrew word “meah” meaning glad, cheerful, joyful, happy… Christ-mas is a merry time of thankfulness, showing appreciation, gathering, and celebrating. Do so with a merry heart!
Signs of the season are around every corner. It is easy to get caught up in the glitter and glitz, hustle and bustle, and gifts galore distracting us away from the reason we celebrate this season. God wants families to make time to come together in love. Holy wants us to sing and dance, to
December Blessings
Blessings are more easily seen and given when your faith does not waiver in doubt. Earthly fulfillments are cloaked in variables that are not predictable. Earthly Blessings are cast in the shadows of conflicting personalities, fake behavior, endless possessions, and questionable sincerity. They are nice, but not deeply felt. Heavenly Blessings are heartfelt, spine tingling,
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Are You a Pioneer?
Old habits are hard to break. It takes personal work. It commands an attitude adjustment. It can literally feels painful like a breaking of your very self. Sometimes the breaking is necessary to have a fruitful future, to become who you are meant to be, and to thrive in this unpredictable world. Pioneer: One who
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Holy Moments
Have you had Holy moments this past week? Do you look forward to those Holy moments planned for you in the coming week? An Angel, God’s Holy Spirit, and a girl named Mary shared a grand Holy moment that would change the world for years to come. Mary’s faith carried her. Her sense of honor
Season of Kindness
Tis the season…… Let us begin with giving the gift of Kindness to all we encounter. Kindness to others is the ultimate expression of your love for God. Seek opportunities to show kindness and love today. Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit
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