Your Lifeline and Overseer
Your Lifeline and Overseer Read More »
Same goes for people, places in time, and other animals. Life is a conglomeration of positive, negative, possibilities, and Divine encounters. Never discount the lessons to be learned in every season of life. It’s not about luck; good or bad. It’s about seeing Holy in every encounter, situation, season. Savor the good and, remember, the
Nothing’s By Accident Read More »
Drop everything and run to the Daddy of all Dad’s, especially if your earthly Dad has disappointed, been unreliable, or just plain missing in your life. There are many Dad’s who have made the effort to be involved, teach, spend time, love unconditionally, and go the extra mile in tough times. Do you begrudge those
Daddy of All Dad’s Read More »
If you hyper focus on your things, house, career, car, horses, friends, self, or charmed life, then you are living in a bubble that only acknowledges our human ability to survive. Living this shallow way leads us to only acknowledge God’s existence in our lives. Nothing more. To survive successfully in this world of anger,
Light reveals the deep, the secret, the hidden, the dark. Truth is revealed in the Light. Seek the Truth in a darkened world of confusion. Light reveals the Truth
If a chipmunk and a squirrel can share the same planter why is it humans cannot seem to live peacefully in this beautiful world? Animals speak truth. Listen for the Divine wisdom. Sit awhile and watch, listen, learn. Seek compassion, empathy, peace, kindness, and care for those in your part of the world. It will
Your life reflects who and what you allow yourself to listen to and believe. Do you take time to listen to your soul? Or do you wait until the roaring cries lay you flat out in a heap? Life is a struggle and very rarely fair, but we make it harder on ourselves when we
Listen to the Whisper Read More »
Let the Holy healer within restore, renew, strengthen, and rejuvenate your spirit. Open your heart to Holy opportunities. Time to reclaim your life song. It’s never too late. Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me. Psalm 51:12 Rewrite your future with Holy focus and intention.
Reclaim Your Life Song Read More »
A life well lived on earth by Jesus gives perfect examples of just how beautiful He utilized His God soul. It didn’t come easy. But, He stayed close to the Father’s word in prayer, conversation, and relationship, and lived according to the right thing to do, say, act in any given situation. There is peace
Your Beautiful Soul Read More »