Follow the star to Bethlehem. It lights the way through life’s darkest hours. Fan the flame of your light within and celebrate the world’s greatest gift of God. Shine on!
Follow the star to Bethlehem. It lights the way through life’s darkest hours. Fan the flame of your light within and celebrate the world’s greatest gift of God. Shine on!
The rush is on for last minute gifts, preparations for gatherings, traveling across snow ladened roadways, and attending festive holiday parties. Quiet introspection is far from the rush. Make time for the quiet amid the storms of the season. Holy seeks to help you successfully do it. Ask for help. Seems like the best reindeer
Life is a journey comprised of joys, love, family dynamics, hardships, unanswered questions, miracles, grief, and sacred moments. The process of your life is a journey towards God’s saving grace. Is your heart and mind open to that process? Mary and Joseph’s journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem took roughly 4 to 5 days. It was
Do you think Joseph could have fathomed the unexpected miracle God had in store as he pondered how to discard Mary after finding she was with child? He did not want to disgrace her, yet he must have been confused at first. Joseph had a strong faith. So strong he recognized the angel of God
Unexpected Miracles Read More »
Jesus was sent to teach us who God is and always will be! He started at the very beginning, from birth, and stayed on task until his death and Rising up from death. The life of Christ was to live like God. His every decision, choice, healing, miracle, word, and action emulated His Father in
In a world full of whims, excessive distractions, and haunting arrogance let’s choose to focus on the commitment to finish what God starts within each of us. Without God’s Holy strength to sustain Mary along the way from the journey to Bethlehem all the way to the Cross, she would have succumbed to her weariness.
Sometimes the gift of prayer is much more needed than an expensive piece of jewelry or electronic device. We live in a time of uncertainty, high numbers of suicides and addictions, lies, terror, loneliness, excessive homelessness…. Reach out to someone in prayer today and let them know. Rejoice in hope, be patient in times of
Christ-mas is about the beauty of a gift wrapped in swaddling clothes. It brings forth innocence, joy, and hardships all in one moment, yet lasts a lifetime. It is a celebration of life meant to sustain for the next long haul. Holidays can be magical, fun, draining, and lonely all in one season. We are
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To rest in the shadow is to feel safe, sheltered, protected, and open to the spiritual truth of God. Shadow = perceived as God’s Protective Presence It is in the shadows of those wings that we find answers, rest, direction, knowledge, and feel the sustaining, powerful love of God. It is the place we bravely
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Snoopy has the right idea. Resting in the silent night surrounded by stars and lights and peace is a gift of Christmas time. It leaves behind the crowded malls, the holiday discord, and the maxed out credit cards sending our spirit into the realm of quiet minds and steady breaths. It opens our thoughts to