Make Time to Listen
Change comes through alignment in prayer. It’s the timing that trips us up. Patience is the key. What are you hearing? Are you listening or just hearing noise, bustle, disconnected words, traffic exhausts, and loud roars? We are all worn out from sickness, Christmas, stress, lost loved ones, political games, and lies. Now more than
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Unlock the Door
When humanity could not follow God’s glory and Word from the prophets, God devised a plan to save the world by way of His very spirit through Jesus. Born to human form. Living among the people to teach, to show care, to navigate temptation by way of faith and a life lived with purpose. Take
A Beautiful Year
Decorations have gone back into the attic, holiday sweaters have been returned to the mall for a different size, style, or color, and resolutions for the year have been formulated. What are you resolute about this new year? Does it include searching for deeper meaning in your life rather than just more exercise, quitting smoking,
This Moment In Time
An opportunity to transform your pattern of thinking begins anew this day. If it is to stick deeply rooted in your soul you must not look back. As well, you must not play guessing games about the future. Today is all you have. Seek it gratefully, humbly, and prayerfully. Each day is an opportunity to
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May the Spirit of Joy and Strength and Truth Resound in your very being following you All Year Long! “The Joy of the Lord is your Strength.” Nehemiah 8:10