Prayer is a key of the kingdom. Use it! “I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” Matthew 16:19
Prayer is a key of the kingdom. Use it! “I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” Matthew 16:19
It’s your choice how you navigate life. If we let fear of the unknown, anxiety related what if’s, and sadness induced by wanting life to stay the same maintain a place at the forefront of our minds, we are in for a hard life during hard times. If, however, we are able to step away …
Never be so focused getting your way you lose sight of the bigger picture. Never be so focused on the negatives that you lose sight of all positives. It’s dangerous. It’s destructive. You will be the one ending up hurt. When life is hurling along at break neck speed go inward. As you become bombarded …
The narrow road of life is never a straight path to happiness, good, freedom, and healing. There’s lessons to be learned. It takes determination and grit to stay on the right and good path. Sometimes the road of life becomes so narrow it’s hard to see your way forward. Life lessons are never easy and …
If we all stayed in our little corner harboring our pain, feelings, insecurities, and worries alone our world would look disjointed and uncaring. However, if we were brave enough to open up and allow our trusted friends, family, or companions into our corner we might find our heart grows strong and big and brave. Those …
Some tasks are so broad and big and overwhelming it’s hard to see how any of it will get done, paid for, orchestrated, or provided. It’s daunting, which sets us up for worry, anxiety, stress, and defeating thoughts. If we embrace a mind set of faith in the Divine that He will provide all that …
Which dream are you living? It doesn’t matter which one as long as you recognize their was a sacrifice made upon your behalf in order for your dream to occur. As one who has not seen a military battlefield: I am thankful for all those men and women who have laid down their life to …
The pink, frail, and still blind baby bird barely struggled in the dirt. The tiny movement caught my eye and I walked over to investigate. No nest nearby and freshly hatched, it was obvious a predator had either dropped it or momma bird decided to move her brood and lost this one. My granddaughter was …
What are you blowing in the wind? The enemies trap of gloom, doom, fear, and negative attitudes? OR, are the seeds you are scattering about in your daily life filled with the unconditional love of Christ, positive outlook, uplifting encouragement, and kindness? Every word you speak and the tone of voice you use while speaking …
It’s OK to ask the hard questions. Be Real. Be Authentic. Be Brave. Don’t be afraid for in His time answers will come. Why God do people have to die A daughter or a son Sudden and so young Long before their time Why God do people fall apart A promise and a ring Becomes …